Thursday, October 24, 2019

8 Most popular React Native Development Tools

Mobile app developers have numerous technologies to select from for app development. But these cannot be picked any of them randomly. The programmers have the responsibility to address the business-specific needs of their clients cost-effectively. Also, they also have to match the expected timeline and support.

React Native App Development

There are many technologies for mobile app development. But, react-native has gained the huge popularity and attention of the developers nowadays. As per the google trends, react native is something which has become the trendsetter for developers, this is because it helps them to build powerful mobile applications.

React native has a bunch of tools that every the developer must need to choose from strategically to react mobile development. Therefore, below are some of the tools which can help you in developing robust and scalable mobile apps using react native as:

Atom is the free and open-source text editor which has been majorly developed by Github. This works on different platforms like windows, Linux and OS X and has been written in the programming language electron.

Flow is recommended by react-native programmers for their static typing feature. This allows for faster, smarter and reliable coding. It is one of the open-source technologies and is available for free of cost.

This is another free and open-sources a react-native tool which is developed by Facebook that helps react native developers in the task of software development and offer hackability and support of the community as well.

ESLint is also an open-source tool which uses the JavaScript and JSX language just to analyze the source code and hence identify the programming errors which may exist and hence runs of Node.jslanguage.

React Native

          React Navigation
React Navigation is majorly preferred by react-native programmers just because it allows them to use routing and navigation in them react native applications through the built-in navigation like the stack, drawer and tab.

Developers recommend redux in the process of react mobile development due to its offering of live code editing along with the time-traveling debugger and hence free source is written in javascript language.

Ignite CLI is the react-native toolchain with the boilerplates and the plugins. This is free and open-source in nature and has been developed by infinite red. This boilerplate actually works on iOS and android both.

Expo is also the toolchain built all around the react-native which helps to create iOS and android application using JavaScript and react-native languages and is open source technology and is available free of cost.

Hence, you can see that with perfect react native tools, the user can create a responsive mobile application in a very short span of time. But, when you need to hire native developers who have profound knowledge of all react-native tools, then your job might become much easier.

For more details regarding react native mobile app development company, you can directly reach us out at

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