Thursday, November 28, 2019

Angular vs React Native vs Vue: A best choice for 2020

Come 2020 and it shall be hard to imagine web development without the use of HTML, CSS or even Javascript. Javascript is easily the soul of front-end development for web applications. But today we shall clear the air of confusion between different frameworks and libraries of javascript programming language.

Most common queries that business and software developers question are:

Which amongst angular, react or vue is better for my next web app development project?
Which javascript framework or library offers the best performance?
Which amongst the three javascript framework libraries is the most reliable?
Which framework/ library is suitable for small or large scale applications?

By the end of the blog, we shall be able to give conclusive evidence on which amongst Angular, Vue or React is amongst the most suitable programming tool for your project. As one of the best react native app developers, let us go ahead and make an extensive comparison of the three frameworks & libraries you can choose for your development endeavors in 2020.

1. Angular vs React vs Vue: Popularity on Stack Overflow, Google Trends, and NPM

User interface frameworks and javascript programming language work in tandem with each other. After every six months, companies using react native change positions and most often a new framework pops in. With these trends, React and Angular has been the most popular frameworks in the past few years.

Most Popular Frameworks
Stats in stack overflow survey, React.js is the most loved framework followed by Vue.JS. However, since its launch in 2014 Vue has gained a lot of popularity and its rise is quite expected till mid-2016.  Google trends, NPM and also hail react as the most appreciated framework compared to an angular or a vue.js.

2. Background Comparison of React VS Angular VS Vue:


Angular was released as early as 2010 by Google and it is a typescript based javascript framework that was released prior to the two javascript frameworks. By 2016 it comes with a suffix ‘JS’ to its name. May 28, 2019, saw the released of angular 8.0.0 and notable websites like Wix and even a react native application development company is also using it.


Released in 2013 by Facebook, react has been used in many high traffic websites and was developed when Facebook ads started gaining traffic causing other problems to their coding and maintenance. 6 May 2019 say the latest version 16.8.6 comes into the picture.
And primarily resolved the release of this library of javascript. Essential frameworks like Whatsapp, Instagram, Paypal, Glassdoor and BBC are some of the popular companies using
React native mobile app development mechanisms. Its highly dynamic and interactive features provide great support interactive support for frameworks


Vue is a more progressive javascript framework released in 2014 and was an individual entity unlike react or angular which were supported by Facebook and Google. It is gaining constant popularity and its latest version 2.6.10 came into existence on 20 Match 2019. It is the youngest amongst the family of javascript frameworks and is practically removed the drawbacks of other frameworks which is capable of offering the next level of ease to react native app development strategies. Plenty of websites like GitLab and Alibaba are also using Vue.

3. Angular vs React vs Vue: Performance

Angular vs React vs Vue: Performance
The user interface of your application is referred to as DOM and can be understood as the UI. Whenever you update the user interface the DOM experiences a change and the changes in the application can be experienced accordingly.

The DOM can be used either as a virtual DOM or a real DOM and the performance of the framework/library is highly affected. The performance of the framework/library is also affected by them. In order to see how both these 2 platforms shall compare in 2019, we shall have to see what their level of performance has to offer and how they shall affect the best react native mobile app development company in USA.


The angular javascript framework makes use of the real DOM. This makes it extremely hard to handle because if you tend to lose the flow you shall have to go deep down the codes in order to find out the issue. It is instead time-consuming and really a risk because it can attract a lot of bugs as well. The real DOM makes characteristic use of the Angular and it affects its ability to make dynamic software applications. More than that it also results in the slow performance of the javascript framework


The React Javascript library makes use of the virtual DOM and is not browser-specific. It is also very lightweight. It is provided within the react package for free and eliminates any issues of slow performance of real DOM that any top react native app development company in USA never makes an excuse of facing while executing its development routines.


Vue has managed to take all the good attributes of the frameworks before it can be launched. Using the exact same concept Vue also makes use of the virtual DOM as an adopted concept of the React. This contributes to faster and bug-free performance.


On the basis of these factors, we can easily conclude that Vue and React are capable of offering better performance and better flexibility than Angular. Vue. React is however more suited for more lighter-weight applications while Angular is able to cater to applications with larger UI.

As one of the best react native application development company in USA, we, however, feel that angular is highly opinionated in comparison to Vue and React and is capable of offering everything from routing, templates to testing utilities within its package. Vue is amongst the most popular, loved and growing frameworks for javascript.

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